
Saturday, October 25, 2003

Well, then, I guess Iran will be next. Al Qaeda's New Base: "AT A TIME when even nuances of Iraq reconstruction policy become flashpoints for bureaucratic infighting, causing competing leaks to spring from almost every precinct of the administration's foreign policy apparatus, the most consequential policy struggle of all is playing out in virtual silence. That is the debate over what to do about the fact that, for the first time since the fall of the Taliban regime in late 2001, major elements of al Qaeda seem to have acquired a new home. The address is eastern Iran. "


Well, then, I guess Iran will be next. Al Qaeda's New Base: "AT A TIME when even nuances of Iraq reconstruction policy become flashpoints for bureaucratic infighting, causing competing leaks to spring from almost every precinct of the administration's foreign policy apparatus, the most consequential policy struggle of all is playing out in virtual silence. That is the debate over what to do about the fact that, for the first time since the fall of the Taliban regime in late 2001, major elements of al Qaeda seem to have acquired a new home. The address is eastern Iran. "


This is what Rumsfeld was speaking of in that famous memo. These are hard questions, that I can only be glad that someone is asking. This is not a sign of irresolution or mistaken policy, but a sign of strength. These guys are willing to ask the tough questions. The adults are back in Washington.

The Right Fight Now (washingtonpost.com): "Although the Bush administration can rightly point to successes in reconstructing Iraq since Saddam Hussein's regime was toppled, the fact remains that unless the security situation in Iraq is brought under control and the insurgency there decisively defeated, those successes can never be made permanent and the president's larger hopes for a stable, democratic Iraq will never be fulfilled. "


Friday, October 24, 2003

New York Post Online Edition: postopinion: "IF you're a Democrat and you're paying close attention to the electoral portents for 2004, this is not a happy week for you. "


Thursday, October 23, 2003

Election Boils Down to a Culture War: "THE ABORTION ISSUE is skirmish No. One. The Republican, conservative pro-life (Red) forces have succeeded not only in winning one for their side, but in dividing the Democrats. When the Senate voted in favor of a ban on so-called "partial birth" abortion, 17 Democrats joined the GOP in the 64-vote majority. Indeed, the Senate's top Democratic leaders - Tom Daschle and Harry Reid - voted to ban the procedure, as did two Democrats who had considered running for president this year, Evan Bayh and Joe Biden."


The Saint Paul Pioneer Press: "However, remember this: Sales and profits are actually counted. Joblessness, on the other hand, is measured by estimates based on tiny fractions of the work force. The politically correct answer is that everyone who wants to work should have a job, but 4 percent is considered full employment. Even during the booming late '90s, unemployment only dipped to 3.9 percent compared with 6.1 percent today. By comparison, during the 1990-91 and 1981-82 recessions, joblessness hit 7.8 percent and 10.8 percent, respectively."


A Defense Secretary Undeterred (washingtonpost.com): "Rumsfeld is more bemused than angered, and certainly not shocked, that critics profess themselves shocked and angered because he, Powell and the president supposedly said, repeatedly, something that none of them actually ever said. At least, says a Rumsfeld aide, an electronic search finds not a single instance of them using the argument that Iraq posed an 'imminent' WMD threat to the United States. "


Tuesday, October 21, 2003

America's too prudish for real politicians: Clooney: "'I always say you have to stand by what you've done. Yes, I smoked grass. Yes, I had sex with more than one person. In the US, they make a big deal out of everything as soon as you run for higher office. It's time we did away with this bigotry in America.'"

I say it is time we did away with the bigotry against bigotry. This hateful speech by Clooney is typical of the attitude that liberals have toward those who disagree with them. Get rid of them, they say. The worst blindness is the blindness of those who think they see. As Will Rogers said, "It ain't what people don't know that troubles them; it's what they know that ain't so."


Monday, October 20, 2003

What can you expect from the sewer of the liberal media? Can that which is unclean bring forth that which is clean? As the man said, "I said in my haste, all men are liars." Then after he thought about it, he said it again. Click to read about the hatchet job by CBS on Ronald Reagan.

DRUDGE REPORT FLASH 2002®: "In the upcoming CBS telefilm on President Ronald Reagan producer fail to mention the economic recovery or the creation of wealth during his administration, nor does it show him delivering the nation from the malaise of the Jimmy Carter years.

"The film depicts Nancy Reagan as a pill-popping control addict, who set the president's schedule based on her astrologer's advice and who had significant influence over White House personnel and policy decisions."


Click on this link: FOXNews.com - Views - Tongue Tied - Hog Roast Hogwash, Mascot Madness: "Hog Roast Hogwash, Mascot Madness"

Well now, let's just let everyone object to whatever anyone else is doing, and then we can all sit alone in our own houses and spit tobacco into our own shoes. Isn't this just ducky? As the Russians used to say, "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad." Jesus said that if we were not for Him, we would be against Him, and isn't being against God the first symptom of madness?


Desperation time setting in. Democrats Air Ad Critical of Bush on CIA Leak - from Tampa Bay Online: "Democrats begin running a television ad Monday criticizing the Bush administration for leaking the identity of an undercover CIA officer whose husband criticized the president's Iraq policy."


Sunday, October 19, 2003

But it is still Hillary's show. The Clinton's never boost anyone but themselves. Iowa Democrats to Hold Another Clinton Show, Irking Some Candidates (washingtonpost.com): "State party Chairman Gordon Fischer insists the candidates should actually be thrilled. 'This is the penultimate statement that she is not running herself,' he said of the former first lady, who remains the dream candidate of many party loyalists. 'She wouldn't come to emcee this dinner if there was a ghost of a chance that she was going to run. She will be introducing each of the candidates and will be required to say flattering things about them.' "


Their hatred for Bush is really their hatred for regular American values in the solid midsection of the U. S. A., without the strips of seacoast where people sip latte and read the New Republic. Click on this article from Howard Kurst in the Washington Post

A Dislike Unlike Any Other? (washingtonpost.com): "For some of his friends, Chait says at a corner table in a downtown Starbucks, 'just seeing his face or hearing his voice causes a physical reaction -- they have to get away from the TV. My sister-in-law describes Bush's existence as an oppressive force, a constant weight on her shoulder, just knowing that George Bush is president.' "

This also shows the difference between liberals and conservatives. No president can be a weight on a conservative's shoulders because they have lives, they don't look to government for everything. They build their own stuctures. I disagreed with Clinton and Hilary and think they were bad for the country, but they were important enough in my life to be a "constant weight" on my shoulders or "an oppressive force." Liberals need to get a life that doesn't involve using the government to force agendas that the people don't want.


Turf wars as career diplomats continue to sabatog the president. This sounds like Bill Clinton, "Ah tole President Bush about Bin Laden. Ah tried and tried." Clink on the link to read the hit piece in that bastion of truth and respectability, the New York Times.

State Dept. Study Foresaw Trouble Now Plaguing Iraq: "A yearlong State Department study predicted many of the problems that have plagued the American-led occupation of Iraq, according to internal State Department documents and interviews with administration and Congressional officials."


Hurrah for Governor Owens!! Clink on the link to read George Will

George Will: Colorado Governor shows us how to run a state: "Today most state governments have budget crises. Colorado's difficulties are much milder than most. One year ago the Washington-based Cato Institute, a free-market think tank, graded all 50 governors. Owens was one of just two governors --the other was Florida's Jeb Bush -- to receive an A grade."


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