
Thursday, February 05, 2004

Dennis Prager: My minute with President Bush: "Those who believe that a Bush re-election is indispensable to a better world can only pray that the Democrats continue to regard George W. Bush as intellectually challenged. He never was, and he has grown in these past four years so greatly that his Democratic opponent will not know what hits him in the fall debates.
A great man resides in the White House. That is why he is hated. And that is why he will win."
A great column from my favorite Jew.


Tuesday, February 03, 2004

War Hero -- and Waffling Windbag: "But a lot of Kerry's speech was pure partisan windbaggery. 'The Bush administration,' he claimed, 'has pursued the most arrogant, inept, reckless and ideological foreign policy in modern history.' Really? More inept than Jimmy Carter's, Lyndon Johnson's or Woodrow Wilson's? Kerry also rapped Bush for failing to achieve peace between Israel and its neighbors. He pledged to appoint as 'presidential ambassador to the peace process' someone like Bill Clinton. Why Clinton would have more success brokering a settlement as an ex-president than when he was president remains a mystery."


TIME.com: Why I'm Rooting for Dean -- Feb. 09, 2004: "So why do I keep coming back to the fireplug from Vermont? No, I'm not cynically trying to engineer a Bush landslide. And, no, it's not because John Kerry seems such a tired and faded figure (although that's part of it). I just think that the Democrats' sudden panic about Dean's electability is overblown and that the urge to find someone more superficially 'presidential' is a trap. It won't help the Democrats in November (I don't know any Democrats who are actually excited about Kerry), and it will deny all of us a real debate about the future direction of the country."
Good article fyi.


Sunday, February 01, 2004

OpinionJournal - Extra: "Clinton & Clinton
To maintain their hold on the party, Howard Dean had to be destroyed. "
If you only read one article this week, read this one.


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