
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Newsmax.com – Obama Slammed Over Clarence Thomas Remark: "Kmiec noted that Thomas is the only Supreme Court Justice who prior to his appointment “recognized the relationship between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution — that the Constitution is a means of indicating the inalienable rights that are traceable to our Creator.”
Obama added that he also wouldn't have nominated Antonin Scalia, and perhaps not John Roberts, “though he assured the audience that at least they were smart enough for the job,” The Wall Street Journal noted."

What can you expect from an empty shirt child politician.


Monday, August 18, 2008

California doctors lose gay discrimination case 

California doctors lose gay discrimination case: "Doctors in California may not discriminate against gay patients on the basis of their religious beliefs, the state's supreme court ruled on Monday."

Then I suspect that this will mean that some of California's best doctors will leave the state. Then will California enslave them to make them stay?


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