
Saturday, September 13, 2008

McCain Flies His Campaign Past Obama
By Michael Barone

"John McCain was trained as a fighter pilot. In his selection of Sarah Palin, and in his convention and campaigning since, he has shown that he learned an important lesson from his fighter pilot days: He has gotten inside Barack Obama's OODA loop."


If the quotation above is provocative, the article will be even more so. Read it here McCain has shown brilliance thus far in getting the nomination and running his campaign. He has enough savvy and subtlety for both himself and Palin. If the American health care system can keep Cheney alive for eight years, they certainly should be able to keep McCain alive.


Friday, September 12, 2008

To laugh out loud, be sure to read the post at PowerLine, which gives a response to Howard Kurtz's ridiculous tirade in the Washington Post   yesterday about why the media is very angry at Palin and McCain. Be sure especially to go to the comments section afterwards. Reminds me of Dan Rather's implosion four years ago when he got caught trying to rig the election against Bush.

It is certainly true that people don't mind being obnoxious and immoral; they just don't like it found out. The so-called "mainstream" media needs to wake up and its members need to see themselves as the whiny little emotional babies they are.

For a concrete example of the unhinging of the left read the article about the "Wingnut" in Nation. The authorette seems to be mostly angry that nobody is buying the endlessly-repeated democrat discredited talking points that she again endlessly repeats. It's a new Palin world, Baby, but Pollitt is too bitter to accept the fact that there are some in this great nation who do not accept her definition of what a Realwoman is, neither Hilary nor Mrs. Brady. Maybe the modern Christian woman will be more like Jael. [She is in the Bible; look it up].

Those who try to stage-manage the world and predestine its future by their lies and corruption are humbled from time to time by Him, "who works all things after the counsel of his own will." [Eph. 1] Even the anger of Herod and the people was ordained by God to do what He had before determined to be done. [Acts 4:25-28] He does indeed "resist the proud." [James 4:6]

But the heathen will continue to rage and imagine vain things. They will continue to pout and stamp their little feet.

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Autumn Angst: Dems fret about Obama - David Paul Kuhn and Bill Nichols - Politico.com: "Lake joined other Democratic veterans, some speaking not for attribution, in emphasizing a classic liberal woe: that the Democrat let the Republican define him. “Obama needed to define himself,” Lake said. “I do think that during the Democratic convention we should have done a better job of defining McCain.”"


The problem with these people is that they are "ontologically" challenged. They do not know what reality is. They think that definition makes reality, when it is the other way around. No speech can make something different from what it is. Definition lies in the thing itself, not in the mind of the beholder. The reason people think that Obama is an empty shirt is because he is an empty shirt. The Republicans did not make him an empty shirt; they simple are good at turning the light on.

What Lake is really whining about is that they didn't lie enough about McCain and the lies didn't stick. They view the ignorant masses of America as being formless muck that can be molded to whatever opinion suits them But let them continue to think so. The Swift Boaters did not make Kerry a phony. He was a phony. The Swift Boat ads simply turning the light on. Kerry could have simply made it go away by releasing his records. He chose not to, thereby letting the world think that there was something worse in the records than even what the Swift Boaters were saying.

Why doesn't Obama come clean on his church, his gangsta friends, the true opinion of his wife toward America, etc.? For the same reason Kerry didn't. He doesn't want America to see the real definition; he wants the press and the DNC to "define" him with smoke and mirrors.

Obama this week flirted with the truth--lipstick on a pig does not make it not a pig. But he doesn't see that his own lipstick is wearing off and we are beginning to see the real Obama, a messianic, angry, frustrated young man who failed at the only real job he had, as an organizer in Chicago. Now he wants to save the world with empty talk. What is wrong with the truth, you liberals out there? But then, you don't think there is such a thing. And there's the problem.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

It is either stupid or malicious.

One of the marks of leadership is to know the times and seasons. If Obama had a lick of sense he would not have used the figure of lipstick on a pig after the nomination of Governor Palin. Governor Palin has completely changed the nature of the campaign and anyone with sense knows it.

If Obama knows that the campaign has changed, then it is unforgivable that he would use the figure. The crowd knew and it cracked them up, for they immediately responded, for it was inevitable that they would make the connection between Obama's remark and Palin's remark about Hockey Moms at the RNC. Everybody in Amerca was talking about it. Obama had to know that unless he is a complete idiot. Obama tried to say some good things about Palin after his gaffe, but it was too late.

If he didn't know that the campaign has changed, he is not fit to be President of the United States because he is too dumb.

Isn't this delicious? that the liberal media establishment is in complete disarray over a reference to lipstick? Does not God make mad the wise men of the world?

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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

But they wouldn't be liberals if they had or respected values!

"[Learning respect] will be hard. They will have to develop some regard for the values that the middle of the country expresses when it votes Republican. Religion. Unembarrassed flag-waving patriotism. Freedom to succeed or fail through one’s own efforts. Refusal to be pitied, bossed around or talked down to. And all those other laughable redneck notions that made the United States what it is. "
[from Clive Cook's Washington Blog]

Clive Cook is right, and he is also wrong. If the liberals could learn to have this respect for their country, then they wouldn't be liberals anymore. They can pretend respect, and in the congressional elections two years ago, they pretended to have these values and regained control of Congress. But truth will out, and the Palin nomination pulled off the masks. Life has a way of doing this. Men always have opportunity to reveal the rot that is in their hearts.

"Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, therefore the misery of man is great upon him." --Ecc. 8:6


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