
Saturday, November 13, 2004

The first shot was fired by Hillary Clinton this week. She said that Democrats need to tie their socialist agenda to the teachings of Christ. Afterall, Jesus said to take care of the poor.

They still don't get it. America understands socialism and the church-going American knows far better than the Eastern elite who grew up in liberal churches, went off to elite schools to learn about how to tax the rich and build political empires by giving to the poor.

That's why liberalism is a bad word in America, and liberals don't get elected if they run as liberals. Hillary will try to dress in sheep's clothing, but she will only fool those who are already fooled.

The liberal elite is selfish, greedy, cruel. Only such people could have such a cynical attitude toward the poor. Let them open their own bank accounts and cash reserves.

Jesus did not tell the rich young ruler to build a political organization to tax small businesses to give money to the professional advocates of the poor, in order to build political empires on the backs of the poor so that money could continue to pour into government so that elections and offices could be bought. Nope. The RYR was to sell all that HE had and give it to the poor. I will believe that Michael Moore, George Soros, Barbra, Hillary, Kerry, Kennedy, etc., are honest when I see them do some of this.

Jesus said to give to the poor; but He certainly didn't advocate using other people's money. That is one thing missing from the liberal agenda, they want me to give money, but they don't trust me to do it voluntarily.

You see, the red states give much more money to charity and benevolent causes than the blue states do. They do it because they love their neighbor, not because they want to build political empires and rule over other people.

The communists understood the power of charity; that is why they forbade private charities. Communist states must control charity because they insist that the state is the source of all blessings, and they can't have any facts contradicting their major premise.

So it is with the liberal elites. They better stay away from the Bible. They won't like what they read.


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

I confess to being conflicted on Sen. Arlen Spector as chair of the Senate Judicial Committee.

He ought to be punished for his opposition to Robert Bork. But the nation needs to be grateful to him for his support of Clarence Thomas. Without Spector we probably would have Bork, but not Thomas.

It isn't easy.


OpinionJournal - Extra:
"If you consider that Mr. Bush won re-election in part because of his firm stand on family values and other moral issues, it becomes apparent that Europe and United States are drifting apart not only on foreign policy but also on their vision of a democratic society and of the proper relationship between politics and ethics.

"One of America's founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton, was convinced that politics needed values it could not produce itself and had to rely on other agencies (mainly the churches) to nurture the virtues civil life needs. The state could therefore not privilege any church in particular but had to maintain a positive attitude to religion in general.

"Jean Jacques Rousseau thought, on the contrary, that the state needed a kind of civil religion of its own and the existing churches had to bow to this civil religion by incorporating its commandments in their theology. Many scholars see in this idea of Rousseau's the seminal principle of totalitarianism. The tradition of Rousseau and of the Jacobins has survived in Europe in less virulent forms than in the not too distant past, but it's still part of the European political and ideological landscape."
This is not the only major difference between European "democracy" and the United States. The European elites consider democracy as a privilege that they bestow upon the unwashed; America believes that democracy derives from the natural rights of people, a derivation of Calvin's biblical doctrine of the priesthood of the believer. Although enourmously influential through the teaching of John Dewey and others, the Enlightenment doctrines of Rousseau and others did not take the same hold on America as it did in Europe. Because of this we have not had a Napoleon, Lenin, Hitler or Mussolini. Most Americans, though firmly believing in separation of the instiutions of church and state, have not believed that Christians should leave their Christian doctrines or morality at home when they go to the polls or serve in the public sector. Those who have an antipathy toward biblical Christianity in America also display their intolerance of the rights of America and display totalitarian attitudes.

Illustration: In the just finished election, which side displayed an affinity toward lawsuits to suppress the advertizing and films of their opposition? Did the allies of President Bush try to use the courts to suppress Michael Moore's obvious lies, or did he depend upon the good sense of the American people? Who really believes in liberty? Hmmm?


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